Auto Mechanics Banner

Auto Electronics - Beginners

This course is designed for persons with auto-mechanical knowledge who wish to gain skills in the area of automotive electronics.

Trainees will be taught to use the engine management system to pinpoint problems such as faults in the steering, transmission or any other major area in the car where problems may occur.

Pre-requisite: Basic knowledge of Automechanics and Auto-Electronics.

Latest Course Information

  • Sep 24, 2024

    12 weeks
    5:30-8:30 pm
    Mr. Fullerton
    Course Fee:

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a few FAQs pertaining to this programme or course:

  • What is the Admissions Policy for the In Plant programme?

    Employers wishing to access training through the In-Plant Programme should communicate the request in writing to the Director of Training. If the programme that the client is interested in is not readily available, a new course is developed for the programme.

  • Do I have to bring/buy tools for my class?

    Trainees are not expected to bring their own tools to class. They are however encouraged to save some of their stipend towards the purchase of tools and equipment for their personal use after they have completed training and have begun their careers.

  • What is a stipend?

    A stipend is a fixed regular sum of money paid to trainees to help cover expenses related to their attendance.

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Training Centres

This course is held at the following training centre(s):

  • St. Lukes Skills Training Centre

    This centre is located at the old St. Luke’s Girl’s school and offers classes in Carpentry, Plumbing, Auto Electronics and other disciplines.

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  • Cynthia Martin

    Going to the Barbados Vocational Training Board to sign up for a Plumbing course, was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. I always thought you had to be a teenager or in your early twenties, to be able to sign up for training or even to be considered, to do an apprenticeship. But five years later, I am living proof that it is never too late to change careers completely. I am now self-employed and operating my own plumbing company; I’m never out of work.

    Cynthia Martin

    Managing Director, CJM Plumbing Services

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