Steel Bending | Barbados Vocational Training Board

Plumbing - Beginners

Participants in the beginners programme will be taught how to join pipes, service faucets, service appliances, toilet and basins.


Latest Course Information

  • Sep 24, 2024

    12 Weeks
    5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
    Mr. Rudder
    Course Fee:

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a few FAQs pertaining to this programme or course:

  • Will I receive a certificate?

    On successful completion of a programme, you will receive a certificate. Successful completion requires a stipulated attendance and competency level.

  • Can I work and attend STP?

    No. Skills Training programmes cater to unemployed persons. The Board also conducts Evening programmes which cater to employed persons.

  • Who can become an Apprentice?

    Anyone of school leaving age or over, who is desirous of being trained in a field in which a scheme of training is offered, is eligible.

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Training Centres

This course is held at the following training centre(s):

  • C. Lomer Alleyne Skills Training Centre

    The CLA centre is where most of the Board’s Evening programmes are held. It is known for its Agricultural and Engineering programmes. CLA is the BVTB’s largest centre and it continues to be expanded.

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  • Cynthia Martin

    Going to the Barbados Vocational Training Board to sign up for a Plumbing course, was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. I always thought you had to be a teenager or in your early twenties, to be able to sign up for training or even to be considered, to do an apprenticeship. But five years later, I am living proof that it is never too late to change careers completely. I am now self-employed and operating my own plumbing company; I’m never out of work.

    Cynthia Martin

    Managing Director, CJM Plumbing Services

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