Steel Bending | Barbados Vocational Training Board


To prepare and accurately layout surfaces for tiling, prepare estimates, lay vinyl, ceramic, clay and marble tiles on floor and wall surfaces.

Download the Skills Training Programme Tiling Brochure here.

Latest Course Information

  • Jan 10, 2022

    2 Semesters
    Monday - Friday
    8:00am - 4:00pm
    Mr. H. Roach, Mr. E. Weekes

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a few FAQs pertaining to this programme or course:

  • What qualifications do I need to become an apprentice?

    No qualifications are required.

  • What do I receive at the end of the Apprenticeship programme?

    You will receive a Certificate of Apprenticeship. Note that in order to receive certification persons must have completed both the practical and theoretical aspects of their training programme. Certification is based on attendance, the completion of the skills, tasks and competencies listed in the scheme of training and the submission of relevant records from the employer and the approved academic institution.

  • Is there a job attachment involved?

    During training some persons are sent on job attachment. Selection for job attachment is determined by the trainee’s performance, attitude, and behaviour as well as the availability of spaces at participating companies.

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Training Centres

This course is held at the following training centre(s):

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  • Cynthia Martin

    Going to the Barbados Vocational Training Board to sign up for a Plumbing course, was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. I always thought you had to be a teenager or in your early twenties, to be able to sign up for training or even to be considered, to do an apprenticeship. But five years later, I am living proof that it is never too late to change careers completely. I am now self-employed and operating my own plumbing company; I’m never out of work.

    Cynthia Martin

    Managing Director, CJM Plumbing Services

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